Strumentisti di Parole/Musicians of words

About blog

Quest’ansa COEVA nasce dalla necessità intrinseca degli autori di comunicare, riflettere sulle atmosfere del romanzo, approdare a nuove intersezioni e scandagliare nuovi fondali.

Benvenuto/a ad osservare la corrente di questo blog river in moto costante. Ci consideriamo strumentisti di parole e scegliamo una presenza quotidiana nel villaggio globale. COEVA nasce come partitura di sinfonia, modulando ed arrangiando idiomi. Linguaggi artistici coniugati. Il blog stesso è un’opera d’arte: crogiolo di arti visive,  riflessioni, teatro, interpretazioni e pentagrammi; confluenze di nuovi concetti e  stimoli.

This COEVAL loop is born from authors’ intimate necessity to communicate, to reflect about novel’s atmospheres, to lead to new intersections and to sound new soundings.

Welcome to observe this blog river’s stream in constant motion. We consider words’ instrumentalists and we choose a daily presence in the global village. COEVA is born as a symphony’s  score, modulating and arranging idioms. Conjugated artistic languages. The blog itself is a work of art: crucible of visual arts, reflections, theatre, interpretations and staves; confluences of new concepts and stimulations.

266 Risposte

  1. Thank you for visiting and liking my blog.

    I’m very impressed by yours. It looks great and has some interesting ideas – like the soundtrack for a novel. Why not? I suspect a lot of people have music playing while they read; music composed to be appropriate to a particular books appeals to me.

    10 dicembre 2011 alle 21:22

  2. What an unusual idea – music is a very important accompaniment to my writing and I’m very particular about what I listen to.

    Thank you for following my blog, I’m glad we’ve found each other.

    13 dicembre 2011 alle 14:22

  3. Unique. Thanks for sharing your work.

    23 dicembre 2011 alle 14:36

  4. Normand Charest

    Merci de visiter mon blogue et d’aimer “Les grandes questions”. Êtes-vous polyglotte ?
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Bravo for yours!

    14 gennaio 2012 alle 14:23

  5. Gracias, por suscribirse a mi blog Erótica de la Cultura (, continuación de la página web originaria del mismo nombre,
    El concepto de vuestra novela virtual-digital interactiva me parece magnífico e estimulante. He de reflexionar cómo sumarme a dicha narración, dentro de mis posibilidades. Me permito sugerir una tercera versión en idioma español, dado que lo hablan unas 500 millones de personas entre América Latina y España. Ustedes saben que es latinoamérica el continente que genera hoy las propuestas políticas y culturales que intentan -con coordenadas inéditas- una creación, continuación y permanencia de la civilización occidental centro-europea en crisis total.
    Amilcar Moretti
    Argentina (cerca de Buenos Aires, capital)

    Grazie per esserti iscritto al mio blog Cultura Erotic (, poi il sito originale con lo stesso nome,
    Il concetto del virtuale-interattivo romanzo digitale sembra stupendo e avermi ispirato. Rifletto su come partecipare a questo racconto, all’interno del mio mezzo. Vorrei suggerire una terza versione in spagnolo, come parlato da circa 500 milioni di persone di Latina e Spagna. Voi sapete che l’America Latina è il continente che oggi genera proposte politiche culturali e cercando-to-one creazione coordinate inedite, la continuazione e la permanenza della civiltà occidentale dall’Europa in crisi totale.
    Amilcar Moretti
    Argentina (nei pressi di Buenos Aires, capitale)

    15 gennaio 2012 alle 18:37

    • Thank you for visiting my blog and following! You are an amazing family. Will follow soon!

      2 aprile 2012 alle 15:22

  6. jepitiegrace

    Grazie per il vostro ‘biglietto da visita’ … davvero divertente visto che nasce in risposta a un post ‘antico’ esaltante il vecchio tradizionale mitico libro e tutto il suo mondo 🙂
    E che il mio, poi, è praticamente religiosamente monotematico 🙂
    Interessante questo confronto con il vostro esperimento davvero creativo e innovativo che nasce non prevaricando la tradizione ma volendosi affiancare e proseguire … è importante questo vostro approccio che rispetta la tradizione , esplorando nuovi orizzonti anche d’espressione.
    E’ la virtù che, a mio avviso, manca a molti artisti d’arte contemporanea!
    Vi segnalo un piccolo ‘esperimento’ che forse vi potrà interessare nelle sue prossime edizioni

    Un mondo di auguri e ancora grazie….. passerò sicuramente a visitarvi !

    19 gennaio 2012 alle 17:53

  7. Thank you for following my blog. I can now say I have a truly international following.

    I like the idea of musical accompaniment to novels. We all know how music sets the mood of and enhances movies and television programs. Imagine what it can do for the written story.

    20 gennaio 2012 alle 00:24

  8. columbibueno

    What a nice surprise! Your project sounds fascinating.

    23 gennaio 2012 alle 15:42

  9. Arlette.Beal

    thank you for having appreciate my blog, you can see more pastels, aquarelles et poetry on my blog under the titles “Precieuse Italie”, “République de Noli, ou la douceur de vivre à l’italienne!”…Your country is beautiful!

    23 gennaio 2012 alle 16:16

  10. Good idea to combine literature and music. I try the same for visual art, it’s inspiring.

    24 gennaio 2012 alle 17:20

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m fascinated by yours.

    25 gennaio 2012 alle 20:33

  12. Grazie! Big thanks for the like and the follow! Awesome site! More power!

    26 gennaio 2012 alle 14:18

  13. tami1971

    Ciao,grazie per avere scelto di seguire il mio piccolo e sconosciuto blog.Complimenti il vostro blog è interessante, mia figlia studia pianoforte spero che da grande possa diventare anche lei una brava musicista!

    27 gennaio 2012 alle 17:40

  14. Thank you for visiting my blog. I will definitely keep an eye on yours which is really different and new.

    28 gennaio 2012 alle 13:46

  15. Vi seguirò con molta attenzione. La vostra proposta è veramente attraente ed apre nuovi sentieri. Oltre tutto sono mezzo italiano, un motivo in più per apprezzarvi. Complimenti ancora!

    Pablo Herrero Hernández

    29 gennaio 2012 alle 19:03

  16. Mille grazzie for looking at my blog. Yours is fascinating! I enjoy the music very much.
    Thank you again!

    29 gennaio 2012 alle 22:44

    • Sorry for the misspelling of gratzie. I hit the comment button too quickly.

      29 gennaio 2012 alle 22:57

  17. merci d’être passé voir le blog “en 214 B”, reflet de modestes travaux d’élèves menés en classe. Votre site est passionnant et d’une autre ampleur !

    30 gennaio 2012 alle 19:13

  18. me parece un blog muy original e interesante, felicidades!!!!

    31 gennaio 2012 alle 01:26

  19. Ricambio con piacere la vostra visita e non posso che apprezzare con curiosità il vostro progetto multimediale…

    31 gennaio 2012 alle 13:23

  20. Thank you for visit my blog friends readers Coevas in Italia…I am glad for your congratulations for my novel titled: L’autre moment du bonheur…
    Sincerly yours !
    Bernard NKOUNKOU

    31 gennaio 2012 alle 18:16

  21. Wild Flower

    Thank you for following and liking my blog. Yours looks very interesting, I will definitely spend some time here reading.

    31 gennaio 2012 alle 18:17

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog, which is very new.
    For me its very difficult to understand your blog because of the language. However I wish you the very best!
    Did you understand my (german) language on my blog? 😉
    Bis dahin.

    1 febbraio 2012 alle 01:33

  23. Thanks so much for liking my blog, I’m happy you enjoyed reading it! Creative site!!! Best to you, Stephanie

    1 febbraio 2012 alle 15:02

  24. 1. Ouaouh ! Not a dog – pas un chien – ni cane, ni cani, sinon je serais six feet under ground. Cela signifie tout simplement ouaouh, onomatopée qui exprime la joie, la surprise, le contentement et le fait qu’on a eu son os. Plus un verre de Chianti, mais franchement, je préfère le vin de Sicile, plus corsé, bien que ça n’ait rien à voir avec cete île qui devrait être italienne. Je veux parler de celle où était né Bonaparte qui ne l’était pas tant que ça (beau), mais n’aurait rien eu à envier à Berlusconnerie.
    2. Manifestementôt (ou tard), vous lisez le français, mais aussi le franchese. Brav-ô et issimo.
    3. Las et hélas ! je ne connais de votre bella lingua, qu’une chanson de Giani Esposito ; ce qui est un début, voire un commencement.
    3. (j’ai l’oubli facile et j’aime me répetér). Beau site. C’est la moindre des choses pour des Italiens, ces esthètes de bel canto, d’opéra et parfois d’opérette, celle qui fait dire qu’il fait bon vivre. Parfois.
    5. (Ce qui prouve que je sais compter, magré les apparences). Soit vous m’apprenez l’Italien (il vous faudra de la patience et de l’ingéniosité) ; soit vous insérez une version française dans vos site et blog (achtung : pas seulement avec Google) ou une langue inventée de A à Z, quoique le Z n’existe pas dans les langues inventées. Je vous donne un exemple : ………………… Yes ?
    6. Sympa l’idée d’une zizique (musique, mais peut-être aurez-vous traduit) pour accompagner une nouvelle.
    7. Mais au fait, pourquoi TheCoevas ?
    8. (ouf, enfin, il était temps…) merci à vous d’exister.
    Pierre CJ Vaissière (CJ = Charles-Joseph)

    1 febbraio 2012 alle 19:25

  25. Thank you for visting my blog and liking my post. Very interesting blog.

    2 febbraio 2012 alle 00:18

  26. Obrigada pela visita ao meu blog.
    Gostei muito do vosso trabalho.

    2 febbraio 2012 alle 15:58

  27. D. E. Devine

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I find your blog very interesting!

    2 febbraio 2012 alle 16:41

  28. I am afraid my Italian is not good enough to understand everything here but I really like the music and the concept. And thanks for visiting my blog.

    2 febbraio 2012 alle 17:25

  29. I don’t speak a word of Italian. However, I like your blogsite with music and international readers, musicians and bloggers. I’ll be sure to check in regulary.

    4 febbraio 2012 alle 03:41

  30. Thank you for follow my blog !
    I don’t speak Italian but I understood your blog is about novels. What is very interesting.
    I wish you continued success in your projects!

    4 febbraio 2012 alle 15:17

  31. Dandelion Head

    A multimedia novel, with text and music? It sounds interesting! Thanks for the ‘Like.’
    I’ll be checking in to see how this project develops. 🙂

    4 febbraio 2012 alle 20:13

  32. Thank you for following my blog! This is a very interesting idea, I will definitely be sticking around to see how plays out.


    5 febbraio 2012 alle 15:37

  33. Thank you for passing by ^^; I find the novel’s summary very charming. I will download it and read it with my friends in the book club 😉

    6 febbraio 2012 alle 11:32

  34. Hi There
    Thanks for liking my blog,I have more articles on my main site in 6 languages

    6 febbraio 2012 alle 14:26

  35. Muchas gracias por suscribirse a mi blog.
    Y gracias por poner sus posts en inglés, porque yo no sé italiano.

    Que tengan un buen día 🙂

    6 febbraio 2012 alle 22:28

  36. Cowboy

    Howdy –

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I’m glad you did, I believe I’m going to enjoy yours!

    7 febbraio 2012 alle 22:04

  37. Thank you for following my blog! I look forward to reading more of yours!

    7 febbraio 2012 alle 23:19

  38. Gracias por el like para la poesía de Paul Celan en mi blog.
    Vuestro blog me parece interesante. Las imágenes porno, poesía y música, fascinantes..!
    Mis mejores deseos para ustedes…
    Un abrazo..

    9 febbraio 2012 alle 18:01

  39. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. Yours looks fascinating, and I look forward to following you as well.

    9 febbraio 2012 alle 19:11

  40. Gracias por subscribirse a mi blog. Acabo de conocer el suyo y es muy diferente, fuera de lo cmún, felicitaciones.
    Guaty Marrero

    10 febbraio 2012 alle 17:04

  41. Thank you very much for suscribing to my blog and for sharing your art.
    Yours is a very interesting and original site. Contributions like yours are shaping the future of literary arts.


    Kind regards,

    Amelia Modrak

    10 febbraio 2012 alle 17:16

  42. Thanks for following my blog! Your’s is very interesting

    10 febbraio 2012 alle 22:36

  43. Thanks, youre my first follower. i like youre blog style

    11 febbraio 2012 alle 14:59

  44. thanks for following, nice blog!

    11 febbraio 2012 alle 16:55

  45. DianaX

    Thank you for visiting and congrats for such a cool site 🙂
    Wish my italian was better

    11 febbraio 2012 alle 21:46

  46. Hola! Thanks for visiting, liking, and following my blog. Your blog is awesome!

    12 febbraio 2012 alle 14:13

  47. John Herndon

    Glad you liked what you found at Lots of Lists and Necessary Miscellany! Thanks for Following and stopping by!

    13 febbraio 2012 alle 22:58

  48. I grew up in Latin America listening to poetry done to music, like this one:

    Back in the 80s I started experimenting with poetry written to classical music and in the 90s I tried prose. Here’s a piece I wrote to be read over one of Yanni’s compositions (at the right tempo and with the right pauses, the words flow in sync with the music):

    I love the idea of an entire novel set to music!

    14 febbraio 2012 alle 03:17

  49. You have a great and interesting site! Thank you for following!

    15 febbraio 2012 alle 19:10

  50. Alberto Zanchi (Administrator)

    Ringrazio per esservi soffermati nel visitare il mio blog con miei scritti sulla storia della chitarra classica. Complimenti per il vostro progetto su idee e parole del romanzo associati alla musica… interessante ed ottima ispirazione per l’artista.

    18 febbraio 2012 alle 16:23

  51. rys, illustrates!

    Thank you so much for the follow!

    18 febbraio 2012 alle 21:15

  52. libby

    Great blog !

    19 febbraio 2012 alle 18:00

  53. Grazie per l’interessamento al mio blog.

    22 febbraio 2012 alle 08:17

  54. Great blog! Way to go!

    22 febbraio 2012 alle 20:19

  55. professoressabicci

    Vi rignrazio di aver visitato il piccolo della mia classe.

    24 febbraio 2012 alle 17:25

  56. Thanks for the follow, you blog is very interesting I look forward to reading through more!

    26 febbraio 2012 alle 16:59

  57. Wow! This is some blog! Fascinating! I cannot wait to explore it!
    Thank you for the like and for following my blog!

    26 febbraio 2012 alle 20:37

  58. Thanks for following my blog. Your’s looks quite unique and would love to go through it. Will be a good opportunity to brush up my italian as well, learnt it about 15 years ago. Good luck to you.

    28 febbraio 2012 alle 07:10

  59. Thanks for liking the latest post on my blog

    Cool idea of music for a book. I should think about that for my books!

    29 febbraio 2012 alle 03:38

  60. I love this. Music is where I usually get my ideas for my books, and I wrap the story around it. My friend, author Jillian Chantal, develops a soundtrack for each of her stories before starting, and lets the soundtrack help her weave a story. I am working on a playlist for my new book. This is so awesome to read this! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a positive response! It is so encouraging.

    2 marzo 2012 alle 02:29

  61. Jiminy le Cafard

    Grazie por la visita!
    Voy a echar un vistazo 😉

    12 marzo 2012 alle 12:46

  62. Thank you for subscribing to my blog. Part of my own writing process has included working out appropriate music to soundtrack my novel, but that was only for my own personal reference. It’s very interesting to see you’ve taken an idea like that to a whole new place. Good luck with your project. 🙂

    14 marzo 2012 alle 11:16

  63. ¡GRACIAS TheCoevas por suscribirse a mi Blog!
    yo hare lo propio y los agregare a mi lista de enlaces.
    ¡Felicitaciones por tan asombroso proyecto!

    15 marzo 2012 alle 03:35

  64. Thanks a lot for following my blog which has lead me to look into wonderful creations in your blog..continue the good work..thumbs up..!!

    15 marzo 2012 alle 08:32

  65. darkrosemelody

    Thanks for the follow, looking forward to reading more of your blog too.

    17 marzo 2012 alle 16:44

  66. Most kind of you to join my site. A surprise to me as I had just released a new blog.
    These are some very interesting pages and I look forward to veiwing more soon.
    Until next time…peace, Eddie

    17 marzo 2012 alle 19:11

  67. laboucheaoreille

    Thank you very much for following my blog and liking some of my posts. I think you were my first follower since the beginning and I appreciate !
    I’m sorry my italian isn’t very good but I like your creativity and inspiration.
    Thanks for your fidelity

    17 marzo 2012 alle 20:28

  68. HI there,

    I wish I understood Italian (or any other language for that matter). Thanks for checking out my blog. I might visit yours sometimes…I have a friend in Milan who I mention in my post called The Lovely Lichen. Maybe I can learn your language here…

    Ciao and gratzi!

    19 marzo 2012 alle 22:42

  69. Thank you for following my blog. Your idea is unique and fascinating. I will be back for more. Keep it up! 🙂

    21 marzo 2012 alle 18:12

  70. Charlotte Zang

    Thank you for following my blog. I am fascinated by your ideas and eager to peek into your book. I wish I understood Italian, no doubt your writings would be even more lyrical in their native language. But I’ll definitely check out your writings in mine.

    Thanks again!

    22 marzo 2012 alle 18:31

  71. Creativity can have so many avenues of expression…good to have you visit–thank-you.

    22 marzo 2012 alle 22:49

  72. Thank you for liking my post. I’m honored. And I love yours. I can’t write without music!

    23 marzo 2012 alle 18:06

  73. Thanks for following my blog. Yours is very creative…I’m liking the fun background!

    24 marzo 2012 alle 07:06

  74. Thank you for noticing, liking and following my blog – it is wonderful to share and be shared. What you have here is intriguing!

    24 marzo 2012 alle 23:10

  75. Thank you for visiting our blog and liking it. This is a very impressive blog! Kudos! 🙂

    25 marzo 2012 alle 17:14

  76. thank you so much for your “Like” in my little world. I have never speak nor write in Italian before but because of the present technology, I managed to comment here in italian! It’s really nice if someone appreciates your work which you thought will never make it in other people’s eyes. hoping to see more views from your site.. i’ll do the same to yours!

    Thank you and nice site by the way!

    little furrow

    Gracias tanto para su “Similar” en mi mundo pequeño. ¡Tengo nunca habla ni escribe en italiano antes pero a causa de la tecnología presente, yo logré comentar aquí en italiano! ¡Es realmente agradable si alguien aprecia su trabajo que usted pensó nunca lo hará en los ojos de otras personas que esperan ver más vistas de su sitio.. haré el mismo a suyo!

    ¡Gracias y sitio agradable por la manera!

    surco pequeño

    (Translation courtesy of Muchas Gracias!!;))

    26 marzo 2012 alle 05:02

  77. Gracias…once again for liking my post.

    Have to learn Italian.

    26 marzo 2012 alle 15:28

  78. Patricia

    Thankyou ever so much for visiting my blog.

    27 marzo 2012 alle 03:48

  79. Again we thank you for the following, Music is the back bone of every story to insrire us to write in the first place glade you could find a way to make this happen. Willl at Yellowjac.WP

    27 marzo 2012 alle 18:51

  80. We are greatful you came up with this, everyone enjoys a little sound while reading.. Will Thank You for the follow to Yellow jack

    27 marzo 2012 alle 18:53

  81. Just like everyone else I would like to thank you guys for visiting my blog and becoming my first follower. It really increased my confidence!
    I would like to mention that your blog is very good as well, especially the fact that it is in 2 languages. THATS DEDICATION!!
    anyways… I found your work very interesting and would like to mention that I blogged about it today if you would like to read it.

    28 marzo 2012 alle 15:35

  82. Thank you so very much for following my blog and liking my post!!

    28 marzo 2012 alle 16:25

  83. sueromeiser

    Thank you for following my blog and yours looks really interesting too.

    28 marzo 2012 alle 19:40

  84. Since I don’t read a lick of Italian, I’m baffled by a lot of what’s written here. But I really dig this concept, especially now that sounds and words can be unified easily on e-readers. I think you folks are on the cusp of something substantial. I’m going to click around some more and see what there is to see. Thanks for being born with such creative minds.

    28 marzo 2012 alle 19:45

  85. Hi,
    I like your website. It is really nice to see you have an excerpt from your novel publish here also. I am doing the same thing on my website.

    And thanks for visiting my blog.

    28 marzo 2012 alle 20:10

  86. Judith Post

    Intriguing site. Two forms of creativity blend–an interesting concept.

    28 marzo 2012 alle 22:02

  87. johnlmalone

    thank you for subscribing to my blog. it is always exciting to get a new reader. I will keep my blogs interesting and short

    28 marzo 2012 alle 22:14

  88. Brilliant idea!

    29 marzo 2012 alle 02:08

  89. countryzeb

    Ciao, grazie per la visita, che ricambio. Complimenti, molto interessante.

    29 marzo 2012 alle 08:00

  90. Thanks for liking the posts on my blog…I think ur blog is in italian, so its hard to understand..however, will surely try to understand it…:)

    29 marzo 2012 alle 18:44

  91. Hello and thanks for liking my post and following my blog.

    Your concept is very unique and beautiful. I think you are breaking new ground in e-book design that will certainly enhance the reader’s dream. Molto bello!


    29 marzo 2012 alle 21:14

  92. What a fantastic idea! I’ll be back.

    1 aprile 2012 alle 13:18

  93. mymcbooks

    I just wanted to thank you for stopping by Mymcbooks. I hope I’ll see you back again soon!

    Have a wonderful day and happy reading!
    Thanks again!

    1 aprile 2012 alle 18:27

  94. Thanks for the like and the subscription. It looks like you’;ve got some pretty sexy creativity goijg on here!

    1 aprile 2012 alle 18:55

  95. Many thanks for your interest in my blog.


    1 aprile 2012 alle 19:34

  96. Thanks so much for following my blog. I look forward to exploring the universe you are creating.

    1 aprile 2012 alle 20:25

  97. Hi There, thank you so much for following my blog 🙂

    2 aprile 2012 alle 16:23

  98. Thank you for following my blog, I have just started Out and I am grateful for your encouragement. Your blog is fascinating, as a fellow artist I think now more than ever the lines that separate different art disciplines is blurring and culture is all the richer for it!

    2 aprile 2012 alle 16:36

  99. Delighted to hear that you are following my blog – many thanks.

    3 aprile 2012 alle 17:02

  100. Thanks for the follow. I like the mixing of arts. I once danced to my own recitation of a poem.

    3 aprile 2012 alle 18:30

  101. Hey! Thanks for liking my post which I just posted seconds ago and deciding to follow my blog. Truly appreciate!

    4 aprile 2012 alle 15:46

  102. Good Morning! Thank you so much for liking my post and following my blog. I love blogging and meeting new people like you. Looking forward to seeing your posts!

    4 aprile 2012 alle 15:57

  103. Cute blog
    Your my 103th follower
    Thank you!
    Will follow

    4 aprile 2012 alle 16:16

  104. I listen to music to set the mood before, and at times while, I write. So, readers and music – this is brilliant. I LOVE it.

    4 aprile 2012 alle 18:31

  105. Thank you for visiting my blog “Reflections” and liking my post “Still … again.” I appreciate your feedback. … Be well, Dorothy 🙂

    4 aprile 2012 alle 22:45

  106. J M Naszady

    Thank you for visiting my site! Also, I appreciate your dual-language posts.

    5 aprile 2012 alle 00:53

  107. Thank you for following my blog!

    5 aprile 2012 alle 04:44

  108. Hey thank you for following and liking my blog! Yours is pretty awesome!
    All the best from Cecille

    5 aprile 2012 alle 14:29

  109. I am looking forward to reading your posts — what beautiful use of the English language — it sounds almost not vulgar when you write it so well. I welcome you to Diabetic Redemption, and I’m very glad you’ve joined our family. If you’d like, please find the Friends page on my blog, and tell us a little about yourself and your blog, (and please include URL, so my other readers can come find you.) Again, welcome! I am anticipating your comments!

    5 aprile 2012 alle 14:46

  110. This is fascinating. I only wish I understood Italian to get the impact. Thank you for checking out my blog. I appreciate it.

    5 aprile 2012 alle 14:53

  111. Thanks for the awesome comment about my post ‘What Was That Thing I Was Striving For?’

    Your blog is a beautiful wavelength of wonder.

    Thanks for checking out my blog and I hope you become a follower of

    Although I am just a humble Australian, I agree that music and words do form a powerful bond in creating atmosphere, tension, mood and building international friendship bridges.

    Thanks once again,
    E.J. McLaughlin

    6 aprile 2012 alle 02:59

  112. Thanks for following my blog. Yours is beautiful.

    6 aprile 2012 alle 17:58

  113. Hi! I just noticed that you signed up to follow my blog. You are my 200th follower, something of a milestone for me! Thanks so much. I am going to do something special to mark this event and highlight you and your blog on my blog. I just wanted you to know.


    6 aprile 2012 alle 18:51

  114. Affascinante! Sarò la lettura

    6 aprile 2012 alle 20:07

  115. Multisyllabic souls merge globally! Love your concepts: sound, and i think beyond syllables and murmurs and then with syllables and murmurs – the fractal world of music and sound and syllables!

    6 aprile 2012 alle 23:24

  116. Thank you very much for the Like and the Follow 🙂 Always lovely to discover fellow wordsmiths!

    7 aprile 2012 alle 00:02

  117. Thankyou for visiting my blog recently. Your project is fascinating. I especially like the idea of charatcer’s voices blending like an orchestra. 🙂

    7 aprile 2012 alle 10:13

  118. imardiantoro

    Thank you for the visit and the like to my blog. I often listen to my favorite music when I need to say whether a thing is beautiful or not. If it is really gorgeous, then it will beautifully match with the music.

    I’m looking forward to read more of your posts. The dual language is great.

    7 aprile 2012 alle 15:10

  119. Thanks for coming by and liking my blog. Yours is absolutely fascinating. I was watching some of the videos and was just wondering what could be a possible soundtrack for Shantaram. I like the pic of the Coevas, a work of art.

    8 aprile 2012 alle 08:15

  120. Thanks for liking and following my blog 🙂 Your blog looks so interesting and unique! Keep up the good work.

    8 aprile 2012 alle 21:15

  121. leilarashid

    Thank you for following my blog! Looking forward to reading more from you as well!

    8 aprile 2012 alle 21:49

  122. Meshawn Senior

    Thank you for visiting and liking my blog post. Yours is a very interesting concept. Looking forward to exploring your site more. Blessings!

    8 aprile 2012 alle 23:44

  123. TLT

    Thanks from ur liking. Your blog is super cool !

    9 aprile 2012 alle 08:04

  124. Thank you for visiting my blog, liking my poetry and following me.
    Your blog is very interesting
    Be happy

    9 aprile 2012 alle 14:18

  125. nice…………me likey

    9 aprile 2012 alle 17:21

  126. Very intriguing in concept *and* in practice!

    9 aprile 2012 alle 18:50

  127. juliegum

    Howdy! Never seen anything like your blog before, tis just mind blowing. I wish I could understand your language a little more. Will come back for more …and thank you for stopping by my blog.

    9 aprile 2012 alle 19:51

  128. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following the same:) Look forward to exploring your blog.

    10 aprile 2012 alle 02:18

  129. Thank you for stopping by my blog! How creative your work is! Wonderful!

    10 aprile 2012 alle 21:41

  130. Thank you so much for visiting and following my site. Have enjoyed researching and writing items for Bookshelf — a blog for the intelligently curious. Have enjoyed reading –and listening — to your blog and learning about how you are using sound and music to enrich the storytelling experience. The great thing about the Internet is that it is able to draw creatives to one another’s projects — the sharing of ideas and innovative thinking.

    11 aprile 2012 alle 00:16

  131. Thank you for liking my blog. I am not able to listen to music while reading… I get distratced. Sometimes though, I hear songs when I’m not reading and they remind me of books and I always think ” That song would be great for a soundtrack if it ever becomes a movie!”

    11 aprile 2012 alle 03:33

  132. Thank you for visiting my blog and following!

    11 aprile 2012 alle 16:47

  133. Thanks much for following my blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    11 aprile 2012 alle 17:34

  134. Dennis

    Thanks for liking my post. Like this!

    11 aprile 2012 alle 22:13

  135. Hiii! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love the concept of this site and am excited to find out more. I will definitely be following. Cheers!

    12 aprile 2012 alle 15:33

  136. Thanks for dropping by! This is a fascinating blog you have here.

    12 aprile 2012 alle 15:56

  137. Tom Simpson

    Thanks so much for following my blog and letting me know about your fascinating work!! I’m really enjoying looking around your blog. Peace–Tom

    12 aprile 2012 alle 23:16

  138. Howdy! Thank you for following my blog ( – I appreciate it! 🙂

    13 aprile 2012 alle 14:29

  139. Thanks so much for liking and following my blog. Great work you have here; interesting and creative concepts, I like it!

    13 aprile 2012 alle 19:57

  140. Thanks for liking and following my blog!

    14 aprile 2012 alle 15:16

  141. Please allow me to join the long list of bloggers who thank you for following, I hope you will continue to find things that you like here..Thanks again for coming along for the ride..

    14 aprile 2012 alle 18:21

  142. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my Hungry for Another Series blog!
    Blue Skies,

    14 aprile 2012 alle 21:31

  143. Thank you so much for the like! I’m now following your blog in return. It appears there is a wealth of worlds to explore here, and I look forward to doing just that…

    14 aprile 2012 alle 21:32

  144. WDLady

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog! I truly appreciate it! 😀

    15 aprile 2012 alle 15:19

  145. Poesia e musica – sono le stesse cose! Grazie per la visita. Questo blog sembra così interessante

    15 aprile 2012 alle 18:39

  146. Thanks for checking out my blog – it lead me to yours and reminds me to ‘strike a balance’ with music, art and work. Very nice!

    16 aprile 2012 alle 17:51

  147. Thank you so much for following my two blogs, and for taking the time to read some of my posts. I have just visted your blog – how incredibly creative and artistic you are. Wow! Best wishes, Vicky

    21 aprile 2012 alle 10:52

  148. Creative blog! Thanks for liking and following my blog! 🙂

    22 aprile 2012 alle 14:07

  149. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog! This is very creative!

    22 aprile 2012 alle 16:29

  150. Thank you so much for the follow!
    “Musicians of words” – brilliant!

    23 aprile 2012 alle 13:26

  151. Thanks for visiting “the house I live in.”

    I really appreciate the vision you’ve created here–and it appears you’ve pulled off the execution too. Very cool.

    23 aprile 2012 alle 13:54

  152. So cool that you use both music and literature together! Also, thank you for stopping by and liking my post “Poetry Monday: Monica Hand.” I really appreciate your support and hope you will stop by in the future 🙂 Have a lovely day!

    23 aprile 2012 alle 14:38

  153. Thank you for dropping by my blog and for the follow, loving your work also, and amazing to see the support you have for your own blog. Well done, keep up the great work. Clarabelle

    23 aprile 2012 alle 15:51

  154. Jennifer Murphy

    Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog, it’s greatly appreciated. Poetry and music are intrinsically linked for me, both have immense power to be evocative. You’re blog is inspiring, thanks for sharing.

    23 aprile 2012 alle 17:04

  155. Io molto contento! Glad you like my post on Book Trailers. You may want to check out our page on reading. It has dozens of excellent links and resources on books, reading and authors.

    Grazie Tanto.


    24 aprile 2012 alle 04:05

  156. Thank you for liking my blog :O)

    24 aprile 2012 alle 21:31

  157. What an intriguing concept! When writing I always have music on but never considered having a score written for my books. I’ll be following.

    25 aprile 2012 alle 08:07

  158. Many thanks for following my blog! Your site is truly a work of art.

    25 aprile 2012 alle 23:46

  159. I have often wondered why music is not put to the written word. People often have background music when reading and in public poetry reading. You have beautiful visuals and the play on word structure is very unique. Do you tour — do you travel and perform outside Rome?

    26 aprile 2012 alle 07:34

  160. Welcome to my blogs followrs list. MWahahahahaah…

    26 aprile 2012 alle 14:58

  161. Anything Italian is just fine by me 🙂 Saw that you visiting me today and I’m happy that you enjoyed the post. Molto bene! Come back again soon~

    26 aprile 2012 alle 18:26

  162. thankyou for visiting and following my blog, although I sadly do not speak a word of italian your blog looks fascinating and I will be thrilled to follow and hopefully will understand enough to fully appreciate it

    27 aprile 2012 alle 13:19

  163. Thanks for “liking” “Billy Hahn.” He was a seriously funny guy, and I rue not being around for him at the end.

    27 aprile 2012 alle 14:12

  164. A big thanks for liking and following my blog. I will go through your blog soon.
    thanks once again.

    27 aprile 2012 alle 14:56

  165. They should put the comment box at the top! Whew! Thanks for reading “Seldom Wright.” Two more poems to go for The National Poetry Month poem-a-day challenge. Working on a SS that is an adaptation of Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, or “Petya i volk,” a horror story. Have a great day! Ciao!

    28 aprile 2012 alle 16:37

  166. Wow! What a great idea and blog you have! Thank you for visiting mine.

    28 aprile 2012 alle 19:45

  167. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and liking it enough to follow. Cool project you have here, I’ll revist often. Cheers!

    29 aprile 2012 alle 11:17

  168. Coloured Print

    Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂 Love yours!

    30 aprile 2012 alle 13:56

  169. Thanks for checking out my blog. Keep writing and filling the world with your music.

    2 Maggio 2012 alle 17:33

  170. thepoliticalvagina

    Thank you for visiting, following and commenting at thepoliticalvagina! :o)
    I too love words and their rhythm…..I’m a very textual kind of girl and yes I perform music too! I have ‘followed’ you and intend to be back to check out more of what you’ve got – looks fabulous

    3 Maggio 2012 alle 00:14

  171. thank you for visiting my blog .. great one you have…. keep on going

    3 Maggio 2012 alle 13:13

  172. What an interesting mix of genres and talents! Kudos to all of you! Keep up the great work. Sono italiana ma spesso preferisco commentare in inglese [anche questa lingua madre]. Mi piacete molto, come del resto il blog di “iridediluce”!

    22 Maggio 2012 alle 10:37

  173. Hi, thank you for following my blog! Have a nice evening!


    24 Maggio 2012 alle 03:30

  174. I enjoy my visits to your blog and just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. If you’d like to read and repost the award, this is the link:

    25 Maggio 2012 alle 01:01

  175. Gran bella iniziativa. Siete fantastici, andate avanti così e saremo in tanti a seguirvi. Nel mio piccolo spero di dare un contributo a posti che non tutti conoscono. Visitatemi e fatemi visitare su

    27 Maggio 2012 alle 08:26

  176. Fascinating ideas here!

    Thanks for the follow and like

    2 giugno 2012 alle 15:35

  177. Thanks a lot for the ‘like’ on my post:):)

    4 giugno 2012 alle 00:37

  178. Just wanted to say a big, “Thank you!” for following my blog and liking my post, “The City of One”. Your blog is very artistic and visually stimulating. You have my best wishes and prayers for your success. Thanks once again!

    4 giugno 2012 alle 23:42

  179. Muchas gracias por gustarle un post en mi blog. Realmente lo aprecio. Ustedes son muy buenos.

    5 giugno 2012 alle 18:58

  180. Thank you for viewing my Outer Space Post on

    Free Outer Space Greeting cards at

    6 giugno 2012 alle 18:13

  181. Its always fascinating how we writers invite attention to our blogs. We toss our lures out into the cyber waters to entice the curious fish, to see who is drawn near. In your sea I find myself swimming thru a swirling ocean of Italian and English that confuses my eye, my ear as well as my computer. As a poet who plays with the music of language, I am intrigued with your mission. Thank you for coming to visit me.

    7 giugno 2012 alle 14:05

  182. katblogger

    Thanks for the like. I don’t speak Italian, but I do know a little French, and what I could figure out about your blog sounded really neat. Good luck.

    7 giugno 2012 alle 17:23

  183. Gratzi, I appreciate you liking my blog! and even more for following it! I love what you’ve done with the “music of words”!

    9 giugno 2012 alle 16:11

  184. Grazie!
    Sorry, my italian is basically non-existent, but thanks for the follow. I like the ideas of this blog, I’ll be back later to check it out in more detail.


    9 giugno 2012 alle 16:42

  185. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    10 giugno 2012 alle 16:13

  186. Wanted to say thanks for following my blog. From what I can gather from what you are doing here it is pretty awesome. Thanks again and take care.

    10 giugno 2012 alle 18:57

  187. What a terrific, novel idea! Yes! Words are art, put to music by the human voice and mind! Thanks for visiting, liking and following my blog!

    13 giugno 2012 alle 19:34

  188. Thank you for visiting and following my blog…it appears we share an ideology! I look forward to following you as well.

    14 giugno 2012 alle 16:35

  189. Thanks for following me!

    14 giugno 2012 alle 20:57

  190. Thank you for following my blog. I like your ideas. God bless.

    15 giugno 2012 alle 13:41

  191. Thank you for following my blog. Yours certainly looks interesting. As you can see, I am interested in silence, music, and poetry.

    15 giugno 2012 alle 15:31

  192. Your music and concept is fascinating! Thanks for following my blog, too.

    16 giugno 2012 alle 15:10

  193. Hey there! This is a fascinating concept that you have here! I love it 😀
    Thanks for following my blog. I’ll follow yours and am looking forward to getting to know more 🙂

    17 giugno 2012 alle 15:40

  194. Thank you for liking my post and following my blog!

    17 giugno 2012 alle 18:20

  195. Thanks for the follow. I wish I spoke Italian and love the idea of a novel with soundtrack.

    25 giugno 2012 alle 03:45

  196. Thanks you for following my blog. Your blog looks awesome.

    25 giugno 2012 alle 13:57

  197. Onleilove

    Thank you for following my blog! I look forward to experiencing more of your work.

    25 giugno 2012 alle 15:29

  198. Joy Umquats

    Thanks for liking my post and following the blog! It’s a honor 🙂
    Looks like you guys are up to some amazing things. Will definitely keep an eye on what you’re up to!
    All the best~

    25 giugno 2012 alle 16:34

  199. lechatjardinier

    Hi, thanks for liking my post, Authenticity & Sustainability! Keep on doing awesome work in the world!

    25 giugno 2012 alle 18:25

  200. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I find your concept unique and interesting. I am following.

    25 giugno 2012 alle 22:03

  201. lacyalejandra

    Wow! This blog is very impressive! I will keep looking around! Thanks for following mine 🙂

    28 giugno 2012 alle 22:59

  202. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is very impressive!

    3 luglio 2012 alle 14:02

  203. Hi. Thank you for following my blog. I really appreciate it. I love what you’ve done here with your blog. The mesh of cultures, of art, of language, it’s beautiful. All the best in the future!

    3 luglio 2012 alle 19:32

  204. PJ

    Many thanks for following my blog, hope you enjoy some of my future posts.
    Intrigued by the ideas and the mixture of influences and forms on your blog and in your book which demands further investigation.

    3 luglio 2012 alle 20:42

  205. Thank you for following my photo blog! Your concepts are quite interesting, not to mention very creative! Will look forward to more!

    5 luglio 2012 alle 15:59

  206. Hello! Thank you for following my blog, yours is very interesting and creative, great job!

    5 luglio 2012 alle 19:20

  207. Thank you for the follow. Your video is fascinating.

    6 luglio 2012 alle 01:20

  208. Thank you for liking my poem, JCO

    8 luglio 2012 alle 15:15

  209. dragopanda

    Hi! Thank you for following my blog ^_^

    13 luglio 2012 alle 11:35

  210. Jeni Johnson

    Grazie for visiting my blog….:) best if bloggin to you!

    14 luglio 2012 alle 23:26

  211. Blessings + continued power to your work ~ really refreshing to see!

    15 luglio 2012 alle 20:12

  212. thank you for liking my mindandmannerdotcom blog. Your site is amazing.

    15 luglio 2012 alle 20:19

  213. Hello,
    Thank you for liking my blog post and subscribing to my blog! I’m glad you liked it!

    3 agosto 2012 alle 15:14

  214. Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m anxious to see more of what you create.

    3 agosto 2012 alle 21:42

  215. Thank you for having a look at some of my works. I dream to grow my production into something more and your blog is extremely inspiring. please feel free to share your thoughts or comment if you feel the desire 🙂

    24 agosto 2012 alle 17:24

  216. Thank you for following my blog. It means a lot 🙂

    7 settembre 2012 alle 14:26

  217. Thanks so much for visiting my blog today and liking “Fly and Be Free”! Thanks for following as well! It’s much appreciated!

    7 settembre 2012 alle 22:05

  218. klippsjournal

    What an amazing innovative awesomeness.

    15 ottobre 2012 alle 16:33

  219. Thank you for subscribing to my blog on our suffrage ancestors ( I love multi media and your shared thoughts are inspiring me to more multimedia.

    15 ottobre 2012 alle 17:10

  220. Mille Grazie per i tuoi commenti-sento honorata di essere sequito di voi. Spero che visitate mio blog speso. Patricia

    16 ottobre 2012 alle 16:56

  221. Thank you for stopping by my blog. What a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other’s creativity.

    17 ottobre 2012 alle 13:15

  222. gemini

    Thank you for your visit. I will follow with interest. 🙂

    19 ottobre 2012 alle 16:11

  223. Bonjour, thank you for following my blog 🙂
    Have a good day!

    19 ottobre 2012 alle 17:44

  224. Thanks for finally talking about >About blog TheCoevas
    official blog <Liked it!

    12 dicembre 2012 alle 15:22

  225. Everything is very open with a precise explanation of the
    issues. It was really informative. Your site is extremely helpful.

    Thanks for sharing!

    22 gennaio 2013 alle 15:09

  226. ajaytao2010

    Nice reading about you.

    Thanks. For visiting my blog Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.

    4 marzo 2013 alle 13:35

  227. A soundtrack to a novel is a great idea- I would actually love to hear musical interpretations of classic novels rather than pocket rinsing Hollywood film adaptations.
    It is fun to experiment across the artforms so long as you are on the same wavelength of the original creation.

    6 marzo 2013 alle 04:11

  228. Thanks for the like. You have a very interesting blog here!

    6 marzo 2013 alle 17:27

  229. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.

    7 marzo 2013 alle 11:18

  230. Interesting and inspiring art! I will be sure drop by again.

    10 marzo 2013 alle 13:32

  231. thanks for following my blog I will also follow yours because your reasoning intrigues me. For I, too, keep searching to communicate with someone and share in depth how I have searched & have found the higher grounds that we are all to inhabit while we are still in these lower grounds. Keep in touch. Maybe by the message in Facebook or by email. I don’t speak your language but we can use the translator or it seems to me that you speak English so language should not be a problem to communicate.

    12 marzo 2013 alle 11:02

  232. Eccezionale ed eccellente. Come dovrebbe essere. La ricchezza di ogni mezzo artistico mescolando in un opera senza limiti creativi. Grazie.

    15 marzo 2013 alle 05:33

  233. Wow you guys are incredible artists! Thank you for following me, I will be a fatihful fan and learn a new language! Visually awesome videos!

    29 marzo 2013 alle 21:05

  234. I mentioned your site in a recent post. A year ago when I launched the site, you guys were my first follower. You’ve probably gotten a few Liebster ‘awards’ but I just wanted to show my appreciation in this small way.

    24 aprile 2013 alle 19:51

  235. Thank you for “liking” my Blog! Wishing you much luck and bliss in your future endeavors!

    23 Maggio 2013 alle 22:07

  236. pripyet

    Thank you for following my blog! I am going to follow yours because I am *fascinated.*

    6 giugno 2013 alle 00:38

  237. Very interesting, looking forward to exploring your site. Thanks for following

    6 giugno 2013 alle 22:18

  238. Thank you for following my blog. Ho studiato italiano quindici anni fa l’ho dimenticato. I look forward to reading your posts.

    7 giugno 2013 alle 16:06

  239. Thanks for the follow. I look forward to exploring your blog.

    23 giugno 2013 alle 13:33

  240. Thank you very much for following my poetry blog. Your about me page is very intriguing and exciting. Thanks again.

    29 giugno 2013 alle 01:03

  241. Ian Gardner

    WELCOME to the blog Mo-Ments or Idle Thoughts. If you wish to translate and post anything from this blog or my writings feel free to do so.
    Adios amigo 🙂

    29 giugno 2013 alle 01:23

  242. pi314chron

    Really appreciate your following my blog. It means a lot to me. I’ve only begun to explore your incredible site and look forward to visiting often. Great concept!



    29 giugno 2013 alle 01:47

  243. Thanks for following my blog. I don’t know how you do it, but I love your blog. This is really cool! I’ll be following you as well, and I look forward to getting better acquainted this year. 🙂 Marsha 🙂 mucho gusto

    29 giugno 2013 alle 03:08

  244. Thanks for following my blog. I don’t know how you do it, but I love your blog. This is really cool! I’ll be following you as well, and I look forward to getting better acquainted this year. 🙂 Marsha 🙂

    29 giugno 2013 alle 03:09

  245. Thanks for following my blog. Amo italiano, ma non so molto.

    29 giugno 2013 alle 04:55

  246. Thanks for following my blog. Music flowing while writing is good.

    22 luglio 2013 alle 12:43

  247. Thank you for following my blog, and although I had to translate at times, I will enjoy following you as well. Ann

    25 luglio 2013 alle 15:31

  248. Thank you so much for the follow! I look forward to taking a closer look around your blog!
    My initial reaction: Very cool!

    28 luglio 2013 alle 13:46

  249. Mashi

    Thank you for following =)

    1 agosto 2013 alle 03:47

  250. Thank you for taking a few moments to follow my blog… and for introducing me to your experimental approach. This is wonderful. 🙂

    29 agosto 2013 alle 12:52

  251. Thankyou for visiting and following my blog – very interesting page here, makes my eyes go a bit funny but you’re doing some great stuff!

    28 ottobre 2013 alle 20:57

  252. thank you for visiting my blog and deciding to follow me. I will drop in on you from time to time, it looks interesting.

    31 ottobre 2013 alle 11:19

  253. “Musicians of words” — the phrase itself is well-composed, and the concept is perfect. Thank you for choosing to follow my blog, and introducing me to yours.

    2 novembre 2013 alle 16:19

  254. Thank you for liking and following my blog! You have a very unique blog. I will have to come back another time to read more.

    8 novembre 2013 alle 03:30

  255. I agree; the sounds of words are important to their meaning.

    20 novembre 2013 alle 18:25

  256. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. What you are doing here looks really interesting. Isn’t it a shame that the word ‘blog’ is so ugly? I was hoping it might be different in Italian, since your language is so utterly beautiful, but alas no. Maybe it needs people like you to come up with something better and more expressive of the artistic potential that there is in blogging!

    16 dicembre 2013 alle 10:05

  257. Peter Notehelfer

    Thanks for the nod! Hope you’ll visit often . . .

    27 gennaio 2014 alle 16:18

  258. Hello thank you for following my blog and nice to meet you all, This is really cool. I kind of wonder how it would be with food. well take care..

    23 febbraio 2014 alle 00:54

  259. What a a beautiful idea to be muscians of words! Keep on doing such wonderful work.

    3 marzo 2014 alle 20:15

  260. c2iowa

    Interesting concept by engaging the senses through multiple mediums. Very artistic and pleasing work. Well done!

    7 marzo 2014 alle 16:41

  261. Thanks for the support via the like on my blog. Writing doesn’t come naturally to me so I really appreciate it!

    7 marzo 2014 alle 23:47

  262. firecook

    Hello and nice to meet you. Thank you for liking a post. Have a great day.

    15 marzo 2014 alle 23:34

  263. Shery Alexander Heinis

    Hi – Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog. Very much appreciated. You have a rather intriguing blog – merging music and literature. While I have great difficulty in listening to music while I am reading, I find that when I’m writing, I hear music in my head. There’s a flow, a tempo which really helps me to craft my wiriting. Your concept is very innovative. All the best.

    12 aprile 2014 alle 23:42

  264. Thanks very much for your visit and for deciding to follow my blog. Unfortunately, I’v’e just called a time out to work on a book, but I’ll be back in the fall! In the meanwhile, good luck with your blog. Looks like it’s well worth exploring!!!

    11 luglio 2014 alle 13:56

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